From the Chairman ’s Desk
Home 9 From the Chairman ’s Desk

As Chairman and founding Member of Central Academy (India), I am delighted to welcome you to the web site of this dynamic institution. We have always placed a great emphasis on the quality of teaching and learning along with the use of highly innovative teaching and delivery methods.

While academic progress is clearly the main purpose of the school, we also encourage all our pupils to develop a wide range of additional interests, so that we provide a very rounded and complete education. Most importantly, this takes place in a friendly and caring environment, and the small sizes of our classes and activity groups mean that every student’s aptitudes are readily identified and developed.

We want your children, our students, to leave Central Academy not only with the best possible academic qualifications and with the key skills essential for success in Higher Education and the world of work, but also with the personal qualities and interests necessary for a happy & fulfilling life and responsible citizenship.

We try and do every thing possible for the well being of our Students, Staff and Our Community by providing the best education possible, by the best means, in the best environment…

— May we lead many from darkness, to the light.

Dr. Sangam Prasad Mishra – 

Central Academy Organisation (India)