Chauri Chaura Fee Structure
Home 9 Chauri Chaura Fee Structure
Class Adm. Fee (In April) (Only New Stud.) 1st Inst. (In April) (3 Month) 2nd Inst. (In July) (2 Month) 3rd Inst. (In Sept.) (2 Month) 4th Inst. (In Nov.) (2 Month) 5th Inst. (In Jan.) (3 Month)
Nur.- UKG 1650 6510 4340 4340 4340 6510
I-V 2050 8985 5990 5990 5990 8985
VI-VIII 2550 9555 6370 6370 6370 9555
IX – X 3500 12405 8270 8270 8270 12405
XI-XII (Science) 5000 13290 8860 8860 8860 13290
XI-XII (Commerce ) 5000 14640 9760 9760 9760 14640


1) Conveyance Fee will be charged as per distance for 11 months. In any condition, Conveyance Facility will not be cancelled.
2) The Fee should be submitted latest by 10th of decided month. After that late fee of 5 per day will be charged.
3) No amount is refundable, if the student leaves the school in mid term due to any reason.
4) Composite Fees Includes: Monthly tuition fee, Exam, Science, Games, Medical, Music, Library, Light & Water, Fire safety, Art & Craft, Fee Card, Syllabus, Computer, I. Card, Smart Class, Attd. Fee, Group Photographs, Repair & Maintenance, Report Card, SMS etc.